FAQs (frequently asked questions)
1. What do the different icons mean?

Editorial post. This icon appears whenever a Click author has created a post. If you see this, it means that it’s gone through our vigorous web editor, so you’ll never ever see a typo where this icon is pre$ent.

Community post. This icons shows when a post has been written by a member of the community. The Click team may sometimes edit these posts a bit, but we try to leave them alone unless absolutely necessary. The community may post an article, or they may post a question – that’s up to them.

Activity. If you see this, it means there’s an activity afoot, and it’s likely to contain a mix of articles, video and maybe quizzes. Maybe even some interactives.
2. How does Click work?
Click offers you a secure space to learn about and strengthen your relationships. The service is built on robust evidence-based research including behaviour modelling training (BMT), and the vulnerability stress adaptation model (VSA).
While the digital platform can guide and suggest options that you might find helpful, you are free to explore at your own pace, and the choices you make along the way will result in recommended content based on your own personal goals.
At every stage of your relationship, you’ll find relevant information and a learning experience that can improve your relationship skills, coping mechanisms, communication capabilities and self-improvement, knowing that professional support is at hand whenever you need it.
3. Is Click the same as counselling?
Click does not replace traditional counselling, but the virtual support environment gives you access to a range of professionals, which can include trained relationship counsellors, mediators and life coaches.
Click is designed to work as a standalone service or to complement face-to-face counselling sessions.
4. Who can use Click?
Everybody and anybody who has relationships, or wants to learn more about them. By focusing on all the different factors of a relationship (e.g. parenthood, work, separation, addiction) whether the relationships are romantic, intimate, separated or familial, Click can help.
Click is designed to be really easy to use, even for people not used to online programmes. There is a simple and secure registration process and the mobile phone functionality means that the platform can be accessed wherever you are.
5. Is there a need for digital relationship support?
OnePlusOne commenced digital relationship support in 2008. Since then, over 40,000 people registered and more than 4 million people have used the services. The general explosion of online activity in all service areas and in the field of health and wellbeing, together with the need for support that fits into our increasingly busy lives was also key to the development of Click.
With funding for face-to-face counselling being reduced across Government and Local Government and lack of access to such services in rural or remote areas, Click can provide virtual support for a wider audience. The digital service delivery model means that it is an easy and cost effective way to increase the reach and scale.3. How do we measure success?
Successful relationship support looks different to different people. It may be arguing less or arguing better, being able to consider a child’s point of view during a parental interaction, making decisions for the family with confidence or avoiding separation. Click’s many research capabilities (mentioned below) mean that we are able to constantly evaluate how the support is used and improve the behaviour change capabilities throughout.
6. Is the information and interactive learning on Click, evidence based?
Relationship science is a complex topic that has commanded thousands of hours of academic studies and practical training with couples, families and professionals. OnePlusOne has therefore drawn on over forty years of experience to ensure that Click is an evidence-based online resource.
As well as conducting original research, we monitor and evaluate the wider evidence base through comprehensive literature searches and summaries. Click’s digital platform is flexible so the information can be refined and kept up to date, together with continuous evaluation and analysis.
The digital service delivery permits the evidence to form an experience that is unique to each user’s needs and pace of learning, and ensure they are supported on the journey.
7. As an organisation renowned for research, will OnePlusOne be using Click to research and gather data?
Click provides the ability to capture anonymous data and scrutinise how the support tools are used. OnePlusOne experts will learn from the individual experiences, enabling the resources to be adapted and improved. We will continue to evaluate all services to ensure quality is assessed and maintained in our usual way.
8. How can organisations be part of Click’s ongoing development and use Click to their advantage?
Refer people to Click for relationship support and information.
Research shows us that many professionals come across people who would benefit from trusted relationship support. Debt counsellors, lawyers, mediators, social workers, council officers, job centre workers, HR managers, teachers and many more can confidently refer people to Click.
The Click platform is also flexible, permitting bespoke and white-labelled branding options. The service can therefore look like an organisation’s existing website. And, the ability to tailor the content and provide access codes for users means that specific audiences can be targeted.